Ok - here's a "before" picture - it was taken last year when Emily and I went to Mexico. (I'm the fat one in the red dress). I hardly have any "before"pictures because I hated to have my picture taken.....
You WON'T see an "after" picture because I'm not DONE! OK - I'll add a "now" picture!
Since I began the "Quest" I've lost 31 lbs! I CAN'T believe it. I still get up and go to the gym and do Turbo jam in the evenings. I have started to get braver and have jogged in public a couple of times - and didn't crack the sidewalk!
I was worried that vacation would be a stumbling block - but I managed to get ALOT of exercise, made good food choices - but allowed myself to "cheat" a little! Even through an MS exacerbation where the left upper half of my body went numb and decided not to work properly, I kept going and didn't give up!

I still have SEVERAL pounds to go before I get to my goal but here's a "now" picture.
It was taken in DC and NO we weren't drunk - just exhausted!
so WHO KNEW that I would still be on this journey? NOT me! But let me tell ya - (warning..here comes a cliche...) IF I CAN DO IT ANYONE CAN!!