Here's me at the voting booth in a few weeks -
Standing in front of this machine with all these names, the line behind me is getting longer and longer. People are sighing loudly, impatiently tapping their feet on the floor. Of course I'm oblivious to the poll worker kindly telling me to hurry it up before others in line exercise their freedom to kick my butt. No, I'm not aware of my ever increasing hostile surroundings because I'm staring at the computer screen, in a state of panic because I realize that there is NO ONE I WANT TO PRESIDENT on the ballot!!!!
Sound like one of my freaky weird nightmares?? No, I'm afraid that will shortly be reality.
Ok...Maybe I should vote Republican. I DO support Republican hard, support yourself, be accountable. But Sarah Palin??? Come ON...Did you SEE the Katie Couric interview? Somebody PLEAZE teach this woman the fine art of political B.S. Doesn't she know that when asked a question you don't answer it! You dance around it - especially if you have NO clue!!
Why couldn't Katie's name be on the ballot instead? Ok, so Sarah can shoot - but that pre-requisite didn't work out too well for Dick Chaney did it? I don't know - maybe she could be Vice President and they could send her to Pakistan or Afghanistan or Utah or wherever Bin Laden is hiding out and she could shoot him! Wouldn't that be poetic - Bin Laden shot by an American WOMAN?!!!! She could be like "Take that you filthy terrorist extremist friend-of-the Taliban. No Berka for Sarah!!!". Maybe she wouldn't be such a bad choice.... I'm still not convinced that she's REALLY NOT Tina Fey. Live from's SAturday NIGHT!!
John McCain - he's a little out of touch, isn't he?!! On the other hand he's not a DEMOCRAT!! Ok - so you want to raise taxes - at least he admits it. Why not? If you enjoy freedom, there is a price that every American must pay. And I'm not talking about the soldier's who "pay the price" for freedom. I'm talking about taxes. You like that nice smooth road you drive on? Taxes paid for that. You like the school your child goes to? Taxes paid for that. Live in a country where no one pays taxes and then see how you feel about taxes. I know, I know... taxes are already high and we pay enough blah blah blah. well, move to Siberia. However I wanna know what he's gonna do about people who don't pay taxes, sit on their ASSES and reap the benefits. People NOTHING is FREE.
Speaking of the screwed up WELFARE and MEDICAID system.....
Let's look at the Democratic ticket...
Obama. Who IS this guy? He doesn't strike me as being tough enough to take on the job. I could be terribly wrong, but DUDE...really. His wife on the other's clear who rules their roost! She's the tough one! And where is HIS experience? Community service....which is a nice way of saying "I helped poor people - aren't I a SAINT?!" Well, how about you put an end to this system of that has allowed the term "poor" be synonymous with "lazy". You know he's going to win though because everyone on Welfare is gonna vote for him. Protecting their livelihood!
And Joe Biden..I've never met the man (obviously) but he seems like a sleezebag. And I can't stand VAIN people. I mean, Joe..enough with the plastic surgery! Dude - it doesn't make you look younger, it makes you look like Barbie's grandfather. And what does he stand for? Who knows?
The question is... what do any of the candidates stand for? The truth is ...they stand for themselves and what they can gain from being in a powerful position. The truth is there are VERY few politicians (except for Mike Huckabee maybe) who truly care for Americans. When that Man or Women's name is on the ballot- I will vote for them.
What will I decide as I'm pondering at the voting booth? Just before the angered crowd pummels me, I will close my eyes, point and whomever my finger lands on will be my choice. I will then adhere my little red, white, and blue "I voted" sticker to my shirt and go about my day.
God bless America!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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