Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Independence Day...?

Wow it's HOT today it's definitely summer! Friday is the 4th of July. Wasn't it JUST January last week? Well it seems like it. Anyway. Speaking of the 4th I need to, once again, get on my soap box and express some views. If you don't agree - it doesn't matter - because I'm right.

America is an AWESOME place. No - it really is. I know what you are thinking - Amy's being sarcastic. No, I'm not - at least not yet. America IS an AWESOME place. As you know I grew up in St. Vincent and the Grenadines so I do have something to which to compare. America is great and here's some reasons why.

I can go to the grocery store and find everything on my list.
I can go to the gas station to fill up and even though the price is OUTRAGEOUS - there is gas available.
I can sleep at night without fear of intruders (ok - so I live in a safe town where my husband is a cop).
I work with a great bunch of people at Gentiva Health Services - the BEST home care agency in America. (Givin a shout out to Tiffany - word to yo mutha!)
I can go to the movies and they will be new movies - not ones from a couple of years ago - or even 20 years ago.
I can drive up to a building and through a speaker tell someone what I'm hungry for - give them money - and they give me food.
The list goes on and on.
I appreciate living here. I am aware that I have freedoms that many others in the world do not - and I'm grateful for those freedoms. [Especially the FREEDOM to write the rest of this blog without fear of retribution! read on...]

America is one MESSED up place. We have a WARPED sense of Freedom. We have taken advantage of our Freedoms. I'm going to use the term "we" but I really know who I mean when I say "WE'VE" become a country full of LAZY, dumb, self-centered MORONS. And the country, as a whole, has allowed it to happen.

Yes - I'm gonna "go" there... This whole WELFARE system "we" have here - nice idea - but STUPID!!! Way to go America - teach your people that they don't HAVE to work - just stay home an pop out babies - we'll pay for your rent, your food, and even your beer. OK ok ok people fall on hard times and need help...yea yea I know - WHY? What made their time harder than mine or my neighbors? NOTHING - they just made stupid choices that affected their life negatively- and now I have to pay their consequences?? I DON'T THINK SO. You know what? This is AMERICA - everyone has the SAME opportunities as EVERYONE else - so QUIT WHINING and get EDUCATED and GET A JOB. By the way - I'm ALL for court ordered vasectomies and hysterectomies. Have you ever thought that maybe we have TOO MANY freedoms?

So you say - what about people who have lost their jobs because of outsourcing, downsizing, illness etc? First of all, I wonder what percentage of WELFARE $ goes to people in those circumstances? I DO have a heart and I know "things" happen beyond our control. THOSE are the ONLY people who should get the welfare money - NOT people who haven't worked a day in their life.

But the BIGGEST problem in this country, as I see it, is STUPIDITY. I'm not talking about IGNORANCE - I'm talkin REAL out-and-out STUPID. We are overrun with stupid. Common Sense should be a mandatory class in every grade. WHY can't people seem to THINK?? In nursing school ( I think everyone should go to nursing school) you are taught "critical" thinking. Then when you are faced with a problem, you have the tools to "figure it out". I don't know if I grew up with my head in the sand or what but it seems the older I get the more I realize how STUPID alot of people are. And I don't tolerate STUPID well.

So this 4th of JULY I will take time to appreciate our FREEDOMS - even the freedom to be LAZY and STUPID.

Have a safe and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

holla!!! well said amy, well said