Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm still Standin'

I know, I know...I haven't posted in far too long. So here's my 3 tidbits for today...

#1 You MUST view this video

And if that doesn't work just go to youtube and type in
"Restoration Station Corvette Fall Colors Tour 2008."
You will see over 150 Corvettes as they drive through a covered bridge. And if you watch it (or fast forward) to 5mins 24 seconds you will see Terry and me zooming past
( at about 5 mins 19 secs you'll see a red C6 followed by a black C6, then us in the 1984 C4) . This was a tour we went on with our Corvette club last month down in Springboro, Ohio. It was a blast! Driving down winding, hilly roads, sometimes going the speed limit, but mostly NOT, with throngs of other "vette"ers...what a day! oh yea - the trees were beautiful, too!

Which reminds me... last week Terry and I were bored so we test drove a Yellow C5 that's at the Jeep dealer's used car lot and I'm HOOKED - so if anyone wants to know what to get me for Christmas.....

#2. In case you haven't heard, the Obama Bin Biden ticket won that little election. OF COURSE I know you've heard..that was called "sarcasm". Well, really didn't have much of a choice (please refer to my prior post). I certainly hope I'm proven wrong about the Democratic party. Only time will tell..... about 4 yrs I'd say! But I do have a rhetorical question. Ponder this...If someone won't vote for someone simply because of the color of their skin - that's RACIST and makes me sick...on the other hand If someone VOTES for someone simply because of the color of their skin...what's THAT?
Settle DOWN I'm merely bringing up food for's what I do. Word vomit :) ... get it??!! (bringing up food....for thought) OMG I crack myself up.

At least Sarah's back in Alaska - hopefully taking courses in Geography and "How To Be Interviewed By The Press 101". And McCain can get on with researching Nursing Homes.

And finally #3. A quick update on my "Quest" (also refer to earlier posts)...
I've lost 44.6 lbs and I'm down from a size 18 to a size 8. I will be posting more on this soon - hopefully I can find some Before pics and put them up with After pics and it'll be like an infomercial!! And I'll tell you my "Secret to Weight Lose" for only 3 easy payments of $49.99.
But WAIT there's more!

Ok Enough sarcastic, cynicism for one day...

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