Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas already?

Merry Christmas to all!

There's a local radio station that is "all Christmas, all the time". Here's what I've discovered:

Christmas songs that make me laugh:

Grandma got run over by a Reindeer
Elvis' "I'll have a blue Christmas" ( the background is pitifully hilarious)
The Hat I got for Christmas is to big (Mel Brooks as Speedy Gonzales)
Dominique the Donkey (ok - it's really dumb)
I'm Dreaming of a white trash Christmas (ok i haven't heard it - but I'm sure it would make me laugh)

Christmas songs that annoy me:

I want a Hippopatomus for Christmas
anything by the Carpenters

Christmas songs that make me cry:

Mary Did you Know?
I Need a Silent Night (not sure who sings it but I heard it this morning and it brought tears)

Christmas should be a happy, almost magical, time of year. However I think for more of us than would admit we struggle because we get caught up what's expected of us and end up stressed. Is my house perfectly clean, did I buy everyone the right gift, is the Christmas dinner menu good enough??? We need to take a deep breath and concentrate on what the season is really about. The birth of Jesus Christ and what that means in our lives.

So don't let things like the following (that have truly happened recently) deter your concentration:

  • your son wrecking his truck (be thankful that no one was hurt)
  • the temperature not going above 20 degress for days on end and grey skies and frigid wind that make you want to move to a tropical uninhabited island (be glad you have warm boots!).
  • your job being so stressful that you want to move to a tropical uninhabited island and never see another un-related human again (these days be glad you HAVE a job)
  • the economy failing (again...be glad you HAVE a job)
  • ignorant people who can't see the harm they are causing by enabling people so much that they can't "stand on their own two feet" (be proud you are strong enough to say NO)
  • getting a speeding ticket on your way to work 2 days before Christmas (to put things in perspective - I'm almost 40 and it's my FIRST so the statistics aren't bad!)
So relax, enjoy your holiday, eat alot of good food (you can exercise next week)! Maybe Santa will bring you a bail-out!