Monday, September 8, 2008

Unions - Duh!?

OK I know I haven't blogged for a while and I'm getting grief about it so here's my blog for today.

WARNING: it's contraversial - read at your own risk!!!

I went to a HUGE car show in Toledo the other day. There were hundreds of cars of every make, model, color, size, and varying degrees of modifications. Many were impressive (especially the 'Vettes) , some were ridiculous, but all were someone's pride and joy.

The show was on the grounds of a plant owned by one of the "Big 3" and there was UAW everywhere - on signs, vehicles, and bumper stickers. The one I noticed most was a bumper sticker that said "Out of work? Keep buying foreign". My first thought was in TOTAL agreement. We own 4 vehicles - all of which are American - Saturn, Ford, Chevy and Dodge. We do buy American - my husband won't even buy tennis shoes if they are made elsewhere (that's a LONG day of shopping, let me tell ya!). But then I questioned...What happened that brought America to this point?

I'm not well versed in American Union history but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that there HAS to be 2 sides to this proverbial coin. And, I'm sorry to say, while both sides involve American greed, one side (the workers) bring to mind my favorite term "Duh!".

While I have the utmost respect for Union members (my husband is one), as they are known to be hard working, honest Americans with impressive work ethic, (maybe not the ones who take their much breaks to consume alcohol in the parking lot or sell drugs on the job) I have to ask - how much is enough? I know big corporations are headed by money hungry, big-headed self-serving folks who probably can't tell you how many houses they own (Sorry, McCain), BUT they are business people. To them it is ONLY about the dollar and they will do and have done whatever it takes to make more and more and more $$$. But knowing this brings me to MY question. KNOWING how these corporate giants operate, are Unions not essentially shooting themselves in the foot?
PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong that I may see the errors of my ways, but KNOWING how corporations operate, don't Unions realize that demanding MORE and MORE and MORE - of COURSE operations are going to be moved OUT of America!

I know I write in ignorance - and I probably have NO say in the matter - but I feel very strongly that America needs to WAKE up and see OUR "DUh" way of thinking. How much is enough?
So workers have banned together and demanded better work conditions - WONDERFUL - better Health coverage - SPECTACULAR. I'm NOT being facetious - those things should be demanded. But what about the workers who make twice what teachers make, and could afford to retire at 50> Good for you - but when your plant is moved overseas and you are left with zilch - did ya ever think that maybe you could have settled for a little less - NOW you would at least have SOMETHING? Feel the bullet in the foot?

Don't get me wrong - I'm not BLAMING workers just serving up some food for thought.
so Keep up the good work, Keep buying American (I know I will), but Appreciate what you have while you have it.

By the way - whatever happened to Jimmy Hoffa?


Angie said...

Jimmy Hoffa lives in Bequia.

You totally missed your calling. You need to get a degree in journalism and get to writing!!!


Anonymous said...

Good blog!