Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More Realizations....things that might surprise you.

Here, now is Part 2 of "Realizations" ....enjoy.

You can use leftover garlic breadsticks from Olive Garden to make a tasty bread pudding! The trick is to use lots and lots of sugar, vanilla flavoring, and almond extract to hide the garlic flavor - your family will never know! That is, unless you tell them. In that case, they will make a face and say "Eeeewwww". But if you don't cook anything for dinner, they will get hungry enough and when you wake up in the morning half the pan would have been eaten.

Don't fart in a tanning bed. Especially when the fan is at the foot of the bed.

Always get a reciept - especially at Wal-Mart. But if you don't and they accidently put the person- behind -you- in -line's charges (which includes tampons- which you KNOW aren't yours because you had a hysterectomy in 2003) on YOUR credit card, they can look back on the videotape and see which cashier screwed up, put her on probation, fix your charges, AND give you a gift certificate for your trouble.

Always have dental floss available when you plan to eat a mango before a meeting. Orange hairy teeth are distracting. If you don't have dental floss, stop by a Dentist, explain your predicament and I'll bet they'll give you a sample. Sorry - toothpicks just won't cut it.

That's it for now. I gotta go do laundry. I just realized - we don't have any clean towels!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I hope you've never showed up somewhere with orange hairy teeth. That just sounds GROSS!

love you